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Sandalfoot Cove, Palm Beach County, Florida

Sandalfoot Cove is a city in Palm Beach County, Florida. As of the 2007 census, the city population was 18,470. The city has a total area of 2.97 square miles according to the United States Census Bureau. An elevation is 15 feet (4.57 meters) above sea level. The density of the population was about 6,223 people per square mile. The median age was 39.4 years (The median age in the state of Florida was 38.7). There were 100 males for every 91 females.
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Business Card Agent Photo
John Doe
”One Property” Website
Driftwood Terrace Boca Raton, FL 33431
I take the time to listen carefully to understand my client’s needs, wants and concerns. I will be ready to take quick action when required and spend more time with those who aren’t quite sure which direction to take. My genuine concern for my client’s best interests and happiness ensures the job is done!
Median Price for Vacant Units (Year: 2015)
Median Home Value (Year: 2015)
$210,662 (State: $179,800)
Changes in Home Value
+$112,262 since 2000 year
Upper Median Home Value
Lower Median Home Value
Property Taxes with Mortgage (Year: 2000)
$1,390 (1.4%)
Median Household Income (Year: 2015)
$55,634 (State: $49,426)
Changes in Household Income
+$11,391 since 2000 year
Houses with Mortgage
2719 units
Houses with Home Equity Loan
225 units
Houses without Mortgage
678 units

Median Property Value by Year Built


    Household Distribution by Income

      Total Houses
      Occupied Houses
      Houses Occupied by (Owners / Renters)
      5,637 / 2,172
      Part of Renters in the City
      28% (State: 36%)
      Housing Density (per sq.mile)
      2,610 properties
      Median Quantity of Rooms (Housing)
      5 (State: 5.6)
      Median Quantity of Rooms (Apartments)
      4.4 (State: 3.8)
      Median Value of Mobile Homes
      Average Residents in Household
      2.4 (State: 2.5)
      Part of Family Households
      66.6% (State: 66.9%)
      Part of Households with Unmarried Partners
      5.5% (State: 5.8%)
      Homosexual Households
      Lesbian: 0.3%, Gay: 0.3%

      Housing Units in Structures


        Bedrooms in Occupied Properties


          Most Common Residential Heating Fuel


            Year Householders Moved Into Residence by Races

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